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Skippy [AF].png

This style can be anywhere from 1000x1000 to 5000x5000 px. My painting style is only available with black and white or color, shading is automatically included due to the nature of this style.

This style also comes with optional lineart or a lineless version.

Prices are as follows-


Headshots and Busts:

Black and white with lineart- $10 USD

Black and white without lineart- $8 USD

Colored with lineart- $15 USD

Colored no lineart- $12 USD



Black and white with lineart- $15 USD

Black and white without lineart- $13 USD

Colored with lineart- $18 USD

Colored no lineart- $15 USD



Black and white with lineart- $18 USD

Black and white without lineart- $15 USD

Colored with lineart- $25 USD

Colored no lineart- $22 USD

Bowie [art fight attack].png
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